Thursday, September 27, 2018

Movie Night

 This movie is quite funny and quite embarrassing as we make fools of our selves! =P We must have sounded real though because when we were filming this Daddy came up to see what we were fighting about! =P
 I hope you enjoy! And next week we will be posting the second one! So stay tuned!

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

New Movie Sneak Peek!

Super excited for the new movie coming out next Thursday! Stay tuned!

What's going on? Comment below and say what you think!

Gameday Grouch Bloopers

Sorry, this is a little late but here it is! I hope you enjoy!

Friday, September 21, 2018

Books vs Media 3: Behind the Scenes

 Every movie we make comes with tons of mess-ups, bloopers, and behind the scenes! It's quite hard to try to act without dying in laughter! Hopefully, you laugh as much as we did!


Thursday, September 20, 2018

Books vs Media 3: What Books Can do to You

It's been four years since they saw what books can do to a person. They are truly scarred for life. See what they have to say.

I hope you enjoyed that! Don't forget to check out Books vs Media 2!

Gameday Grouch

 It's gameday and with every fun event is a grouch. 

I hope you enjoyed this movie! And there will be behind the scenes as well as bloopers coming soon!

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Books vs Media 2

 If you want to see the first one click here.

 Wow, it's hard to believe that this was four years ago! (this was way back when we only had a flip phone!) This is one of my favorite videos! And there might be a sequel coming up!

Monday, September 10, 2018


 I'm so glad you stopped by!
 A couple years ago we made some movies and we loved doing it! Well, four years later we're coming back! We're siblings who were homeschooled (Lydia: I'm still in school), love the Lord and want to make funny videos mostly based on our day to day life.
 We're not trying to make perfect, award-winning movies, we're just here to have fun and make someone else laugh!
 We hope you enjoy our videos as much as we love making them! They'll be coming soon!


 We have a lot of old movies! If you want to see them click here!